Decorating an Apartment: 7 Tips to Make It on a Budget

Decorating an Apartment 7 Tips to Make It on a Budget

Not everyone has an unlimited budget or spacious apartment, but that doesn’t mean you can’t charm your place up! So, dig out the furniture you already have and inspect it carefully. Put Google & Pinterest to work, then call on interior stores for inspiration – pick whichever style rocks your boat – mid-century modern? Vintage vibes? Minimalist magic? Or a mix of everything in between (we like to say ‘eclectic’ when we do this kind of thing). Start with some basics, and add keepsakes and artwork which express who YOU are: once finished, voila; home sweet home!


1. Choose furniture according to your space

When it comes to making those humble four walls feel like home, the name of the game is playing with scale. From bonsai tables and low-profile furniture that keeps your room feeling spacious without skimping style, even a tiny studio can be transformed into an airy retreat! Innovative options double as functional furnishing while compact designs keep things clutter-free; conquering cramped quarters has never been easier.


2. Delineate functional zones

Transform your studio or open-concept apartment into a multipurpose masterpiece with floating furniture layouts! Strategically designate spaces to create purposeful “zones” like living, dining, and entertainment. But don’t forget the basics – make sure there’s enough room to move about comfortably without getting caught in an obstacle course of furniture whenever you need to grab some chips from the kitchen.


3. Add color

A chic apartment is within reach, no matter how plain the space is! Add some visual pizzazz with bright artwork and cheerful rugs. Even if your floor doesn’t look its best, just one vibrant rug can provide a stylish disguise – delivering an instant pop of color that will make you smile.


4. Take advantage of corners

Make the most of those pesky corners! They usually lurk out of sight and seem to take up no space. Still, these little nooks can be great spots for extra storage or unique design features– without disrupting your home’s layout.


5. Incorporate chandelier lighting

With apartments, it’s often a case of “what you see is what you get” when it comes to lighting. But don’t despair – lamps are the perfect way to make your space feel inviting and warm, like home!


6. Use curtains

Never fear if your apartment’s windows are too outdated and ugly to look at! There are plenty of cute covers that can transform the space and give it a much-needed modern makeover. Also, hang curtains from higher up on the ceiling – like they’re floating in midair almost – for an effortless way to create high ceilings, even if you don’t have any. Problem solved!


7. Choose light, light colors

Don’t be afraid to let the light shine in – if your apartment is too snug, using a neutral color palette removes visual breaks, opens it up, and helps create continuity. With just a bit more effort, you can live cozy AND look good! So why don’t you take that next step towards becoming an interior decorator – tell us what tips YOU have for getting the most out of cramped living spaces. We’re all ears.


Looking for an apartment in Decatur, TX? Look no further than Trophy Ridge Apartment Homes! Call us at (940) 399-5410 or visit our site to book your appointment today!


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